Business & Economy

How Ongi’s personal self-care journey led to the birth of a thriving hair and skin care business.

After she stopped using hair relaxers in 2012 Ongi Buta started to look for natural ways to look after her hair. She attended a course on aromatherapy (the practice of using essential oils for therapeutic benefits) and massage where she learnt about essential oils and the significance of natural self-care. However, it was only when she had her first daughter (who she says was born with dry skin and was recommended by the nurses to use plant-based oils for her) that she began further research on natural plants. Ongi found more ways to be more natural with her and her daughters’ skin and hair. This gave birth to her business “Naturally Natural” in 2016, a brand with a wide range of hair and skin products that are plant-based.

The “Naturally Natural” social media page has a review section where the customers share their experiences with the products. The key take away from these reviews is the joy and relief the customers show for finally finding a product that solves their acne or hair loss problems amongst other problems. The customer service is efficient as they also provide consistent tutorials and tips on how to use the products and how to take care of your skin and hair. The business is evidently an outcome of a mother’s love and care for their child’s well-being that grew into a way to help others whilst making an income. We talked to Ongi about Naturally Natural in a short interview

Tanaka Chiganga: What is your background?

Ongi Buta: My education and work are varied but my main work is I’m a full-time volunteer Bible teacher.

TC: Can you provide me with a description of your business?

OB: The business is mostly focusing on natural products and ways to look after our hair and skin hence the name Naturally Natural

TC: How do you market your business? How are people made aware of it?

OB: We have mostly been using social media, we started with WhatsApp groups then Instagram and Facebook and now a lot of referrals.

TC: Do you have employees or partners if so how many?

OB: We work as a husband and wife team and we are trying to work with brand ambassadors now as well.

TC: Does your business have a stated mission, the reason why it exists?

OB: The business exists mainly to support us in our main work and focus that of being Bible teachers and speaking about God’s Kingdom. As Jehovah’s Witnesses our main work is highlighted at Matthew 24:14. So mostly because of this work we see how all the products we sell and use are truly a credit to our Creator. Everything we need is provided for us by our Creator Jehovah God.

TC: How much of that mission would you say you have achieved & what are you yet to achieve?

OB: We feel we are a work in progress. We keep trying to improve where we can in business without compromising on our main focus.

TC: Do you plan to expand into a global market?

OB: We have been sending our products to Canada, SA, UK, USA so far on a small scale.

TC: What have been the biggest challenges you have faced establishing/growing your business?

OB: Initially it was explaining the benefits of natural products and looking after our hair and skin. It is something we were never taught growing up so it’s retraining ourselves to think this way and appreciate our natural hair. But now many are aware of the benefits and there are so many more in the same business.

TC: What would you say is the reason why your customers choose you over your competition that is other competing products/brands?

OB: With most of our customers we try and explain and provide reasons why we offer certain products so they know why they are using a certain product from us and why the method or routine is necessary. This way with that knowledge they are in a position to help themselves even if they can’t buy from us again. We need to do this more and better but we try.

TC: Can you describe your customers/target audience.

OB: Our target is anyone with skin and hair.

TC: Where do you see your business in the next 5-10 years.

OB: Our goal is to continue to improve how we deal with customers and continue helping others deal with their hair and skin regime.

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