Business & Economy

Stock trading, a way of earning passive income

By Tadiwa Jery

The Zimbabwean Stock Exchange, (ZSE), is a licensed securities exchange which dates back to 1894, making it one of the longest established capital raising platforms in Africa. 

By definition, securities are negotiable financial instruments holding monetary value which can be issued by the government or a company. They are tradable and they entitle the holder to ownership of a portion of a publicly traded company when it is listed on the stock exchange platform.

The ZSE back in the early 90’s launched a financial literacy program which was aimed towards protecting investors. This program was started to help investors understand more on managing their risk when trading.

Over the past years, the business community on social media has been flooded by forex trading and stock trading feeds. This led to a surge of scammers who took advantage of the excitement and they convinced some people that trading was a quick way of making money. 

With mostly negative press on trading, a number of people have lost faith in how trading can be an investment that is worth while.

However, the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange has received more attention over the past years amongst the driven youths. The ZSE training program is being used along with other educational material necessary to master how to study market trends, rebuilding the confidence in stock trading as a viable investment. 

Most Zimbabweans are now cognisant of the importance of having multiple sources of income, stock trading still remains as a stream that risk takers will invest in to better their chances of earning passive income in the future. 

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