
After-school activities in Zimbabwe for all

Numerous countries benefit from having children in after-school activities. The United States, the UK and other countries have such programs or activities. In addition, governments, schools or private players can fund such activities. Zimbabwe is not an exception. The potential is there as well as the need.

Benefits of after-school activities

Consequently, there are some of the benefits of such activities. These include building confidence. They also provide safety and supervision. Some parents work 10 hours a day away from their kids. Children need something to occupy themselves with. Moreover, children interact with peers which is a huge advantage. It enables them to express themselves in a safe environment.

Furthermore, such activities are more relaxed. This may help boost a child’s confidence. The absence of a very strict environment can help kids relax. Children can try new things in such a place. Also, they can explore their passion and likes. Such an environment makes this easier.

Additionally, to introduce such activities and programs in Zimbabwe is good. The nation needs something like this to help children. The recent expulsion of 8 pupils at a Catholic school is just a tip of the iceberg.

On top of that, some children abuse drugs more than people can imagine. At parties, hangouts and even at sleepover drugs are being used and abused. Therefore, parents, teacher and the community need to step in and help.

How to do it with little or no money?

With that being said, the next question is how to do it? Not only do it, but on a budget?

The government and municipalities can lend some of its facilities and personnel. As a form of public service, it is not far-fetched. The government has systems in place to enable this. There is a need. The use of public infrastructure as venues for such activities is ideal. After-school activities can be done on a budget.

Municipalities have the pull and capacity to start such activities. They can engage parents for a good cause with them being the organisers. Parents can contribute financially. Moreover, municipalities’ infrastructure can be used to house such activities. Parents’ financial contributions can go towards maintenance.

Additionally, companies can do this as social responsibility. They can give their time and money to such causes. Large and small corporations can pay employees and maintenance. They can fund this as part of community service.

Likewise, sports clubs can create a timetable for this. They can lend their facilities for at least an hour a day. These can be used for sports. Golf, tennis, swimming and other activities can help kids. These activities will keep them engaged.

In conclusion, after school activities work. They keep children busy. Child involvement in this can keep them from trouble. It is time Zimbabwe goes all in. Communities should band together and help. The government and public sector have a role to play. There is need to protect future generations from destructive behaviour.

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